Candidate for RTM
District 4
Michelle Lapine McCabe
● Current RTM member; serves on the Public Works and Planning committee
● Executive Director, Connecticut Main Street Center, an economic development nonprofit
● Currently serves on the Boards of the Connecticut Arts Alliance and the Connecticut Economic Development Association
● Former Director of Center for Food Equity and Economic Development (FEED) with the Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport, 2013 to 2021
● Served on Fairfield Library Board of Trustees and PTA Council
● 15 years of advocacy and nonprofit programming and management experience
● MA, Art History from The University of Texas at Austin; BA, Art History from Vassar College
● Proud mother of three sons
I am committed to representing the specific concerns of my constituents in District 4, which includes flooding mitigation, traffic and pedestrian safety. In addition, I appreciate the opportunity to apply my professional lens in economic development to support responsible growth in our town.