Board of Education
2023 Chair
11/2021 - 11/2025
• 22 years of experience in the field of education
• Certified in 3 states pre-k through grade 12 in Pupil Services
• Special Needs arena including IEP development and Implementation and Crisis Intervention experience
• Engaged education advocate in Fairfield for over decade, including: Fairfield 5-year Strategic plan under Dr. Clark; PTA member serving in various volunteer capacities; Fairfield Cares PTA representative for two of our schools; Fairfield Cares coordinator, which serves as our local prevention coalition; curriculum review panels; and more
• Girls Scouts of America Troop Leader, 12 years running
• Master’s Degree in Education with a specialization in School Counseling
• 19-year Fairfield resident
• Married mother of three children in or through the Fairfield Public Schools